Friday, December 25, 2009

It's A White Christmas

Merry Christmas to all....especially you grump atheists who hate us Christmas celebrating sorts.

Friday, December 18, 2009

It's Strange To Me

that the same people who are telling me, as a Christian, to be more tolerant, more open minding, more giving, more everything you can think of, are in the same breath telling me my religion is wrong and that the holidays I celebrate are crap. How ironic and what great examples they make.

p.s. For my intolerant act of the day: a lot of readers of CNN, for obvious reasons, really bug me. They are, not surprisingly, the source of the annoyance above.


Friday, December 11, 2009

Health Care & Marriage

Please go here and read an article pertaining to the health care reform and marriage, or here to read it.

Please do not skip reading it.

The attack on traditional families and marriage always saddens me.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

In the Name of Politics and Religion

Happy early beginning of Hanukkah just in case I forget tomorrow.

I thought this article and this song were entertaining for some strange reason. Maybe it's because I too love Jewish people and sometimes wish I was Jewish. Or maybe because the article includes, liberals, conservatives, Hanukkah, Mormons, and music. That just does not happen very often.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Yay Christmas Is Back

The Loudoun County board voted 7 yes to 1 no, with one supervisor absent (though I am 99.9 percent sure this guy would have voted yes), to overrule the committees decision. So Leesburg's Courthouse lawn can be used to celebrate Christmas after all.

What a great example of citizens banning together to force a change of policy. People emailed, spoke at meetings, and signed petitions. People started finding out about the problem over Thanksgiving break, yet they were still on the ball. Some even put up Christmas lights early just to show their support for Christmas. What a great county. Thankfully, they had it a bit easy as they had many government officials on their side, and one extremely irate supervisor.

Overall, it was the most perfect scenario. A committee made a crappy decision, people got mad, banned together to show their disapproval, a proposal was written and presented, and the decision was overruled. All within a week (well the committee made the decision more than a week ago but didn't announce it until last week)! It's too bad this situation doesn't happen more often. It's too bad committees even have to make stupid decisions. And worse of all, it's too bad that there are people who hate Christmas and other holidays.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

No Christmas For Leesburg

The whole separating church and state is being taken to an extreme all too often. It's getting to the point where there is no freedom of religion, unless you keep it privately to yourself. This comes to mind because Loudoun County is now dealing with an issue that many counties and towns have dealt with before. The removal of Christmas and Hanukkah symbols from public property because they are religious symbols.

Please go here to learn about the saddness happening in Loudoun County.

To be fair the committee did not claim separation of church and state when they made the decision. And because I don't really understand their reasoning and might not, as of yet, have heard the whole reasoning, I should not claim they are automatically wrong. But nonetheless, I know I will never agree with them and do believe some could have voted for the measure because they want to remove all signs of religion from public. But I digress there and will just state that from what I here I think many county officials and citizens do disagree with them and view the committees decision as wrong so hopefully it can be reversed.

Religion is a belief just as not believing in religion or a higher being is a belief. And it is our right and our freedom to express what we believe in. If those nonbelievers feel left out in December maybe they should come up with their own holiday or their own symbol that they can proudly display next to ours instead of always forcing us to take ours down. I am unsure if anybody has been converted based on seeing a Christmas tree so I am unsure of what they are worried about.

As for separation of church and state, the public should be able to use public grounds to express their beliefs. I do not think banning religious symbols was what the founding fathers had in mind when they decided to include that in our Constitution. I think they were thinking of Europe and how the church's often ran and heavily influenced the government. That is not how the system works in America so why are we taking that simple yet powerful phrase so far. Why are we so busy worrying about separation of church and state that freedom of religion is being ignored?