Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Roman Polanski

Many in Hollywood are stepping out in support of Roman Polanski. This boggles my mind. I am not sure when the film industry decided it has the right to decide who is or is not guilty. If a man admits he had sex with an underage girl, and fled the country, obviously he should be brought to justice on some level. The case does not close when you flee or when Hollywood decides it can't loose one of its directors. The quote from Whoopi Goldberg is my favorite,
I know it wasn't rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don't believe it was rape-rape. He pled guilty to having sex with a minor and he went to jail, and when they let him out he said 'You know what, this guy's going to give me 100 years in jail. I'm not staying'. And that's why he left.
Need I say more about the illogical thinking of Hollywood. Would this act be okay if it was anybody else raped, or if it was any other person being accused? Probably not. But who really knows, if as she says, rape-rape is different than rape.

But this is exactly why our country is lacking in moral decency. We watch, drool over, and yearn for more of Hollywood. And they know that and try to take advantage of it by doing their best to persuade us that their views, their beliefs, their morality (or lack thereof) is the one and only way. That if we do not believe the way they do, we are evil, racist, or hateful. The same people who pretend to be for woman rights, or the rights of the poor, obviously have no sympathy for the rights of a young girl or the rights of a victim who was taken advantage of. They apparently believe a little too much in the phrase "time heals all wounds" or mistakes.

I agree with Joan Smith
Now the past has caught up with him, and Polanski is facing extradition and the prison sentence he deserves. His supporters urgently need to locate their moral compass and stop making excuses for an unrepentant sex attacker.


Another Black Conservative posted a link to this article: Gore Vidal: 'We Will Have a Dictatorship soon in the U.S."

I'll admit up front, I only skimmed the article. Gore Vidal doesn't exactly excite me and on a normal basis I would never recommend this article. So I warn you now, don't expect to love most of what is in the article. But I wanted to point the few parts I did agree with, so much so I had to share.

Last year [Vidal] famously switched allegiance from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama during the Democratic nomination process for president. Now, he reveals, he regrets his change of heart. How’s Obama doing? “Dreadfully. I was hopeful. He was the most intelligent person we’ve had in that position for a long time. But he’s inexperienced. He has a total inability to understand military matters.

“The only one I knew well was Kennedy, but he didn’t impress me as a good president. It’s like asking, ‘What do I think of my brother?’ It’s complicated. I’d known him all my life and I liked him to the end, but he wrecked his chances with the Bay of Pigs and Suez crises, and because everyone was so keen to elect Bobby once Jack had gone, lies started to be told about him — that he was the greatest and the King of Camelot.”
Obviously, this guy isn't as smart as he thinks he is if he just now figured out Obama is inexperienced. But hey, anybody that admits Kennedy's legacy is largely based on falsehoods, gets half a point in my book.

To Follow Up On Yesterdays Post

Jon, my man, sent me the following video.

Is this normal in the U.S.?

"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." - Adolf Hitler

And speaking of the health care lies : "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." -Adolf Hitler

And we wonder why Obama Lama is compared to Hitler.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Left Coast Rebel posted the below video on his blog and I thought I would share because it was just so creepy to me. Did this ever happen when Bush was in office? I doubt it.

Change has come
Change has come
Uniting blacks and whites
Being both, Obama cannot take sides
'Don't worry,' said Hope, 'I will be your bridge'
In time, Hope would be the bridge for others
Hope will last enough for you to make a difference
Change has come
Change has come
[...], fly free
Study, watch, learn
Keep your eyes open
Education is the key
Education is the secret
Education is the way
Education is the path
Can I make America better?
Can I make America better?
Can we make America better?
Yes! Yes we can!
Yes! Yes we can!

Uniting blacks and whites
Being both, Obama cannot take sides

I Don't Understand

why people view disagreement with the president as racism. I am been trying to ignore this issue as it is just so lame to me, but this article about did it for me. Why is a sign, depicting the president in bad light, racism? Why is it racism to disagree with the president? What does the joker have to do with racism? And so yes Hitler may be a bit extreme but is not the political reference to form of government what we are getting at and how is that reference racism?

If there is one thing in this world that makes me mad, its the call of racism. Because there is legitimate racism going on in America and in the world, but its become easy to ignore it with all these immature and fake calls of racism going on. When will people stop using the term as a crutch and start standing up for themselves with legitimate arguments or perhaps realizing that maybe they are actually wrong. I almost feel sorry for their ignorance, except for I can't help getting mad instead.

Someone who feels that its actually racism, please please explain it to me. I DON'T GET IT!!!

On another health care front:

Don't let Obama scare you into supporting health care. I think this article did an okay job at explaining the lack of factually true stories in Obama's speeches. Our health care system isn't perfect, lets just admite that up front. Nothing can be perfect though, as long as its ran by humans. But I am perfectly sure that universal health care is not the answer, and Obama probably knows that we know that, which is why he is using these tales to gain support.

Monday, September 14, 2009

March On Washington

My former roommate and lovely friend, Allie (last name witheld for the moment for privacy sakes) took the opportunity to go to the protest in D.C. on Saturday. She has given me permission to repost what she wrote about it on facebook.

My report of the March on Washington

Yesterday I was privileged enough to take part in the making of history, as two million and more American taxpayers marched on Washington to let our voices be heard.

On the way home, my aunt and I stopped to talk to a police officer chilling on the outskirts of the protest. We asked how our protest had compared to others he'd seen in the past.

First, he told us, the police had been grossly underprepared for the magnitude of people who showed up. They had been told to prepare for around 2,000 people--not 2,000,000. Whoopsie.

But he said that the most amazing thing to him was the number of arrests: not a single person was arrested. He said he had never seen a protest so huge and so peaceful all at the same time.

The protest continued to amaze those at Vodkapundit, who reported that a police officer said, “I’ve been here 20 years and this is the largest crowd I’ve ever seen.”

Here is a link to calculations done based on people per square meter. Apparently, official calculations show at least 1.8 million people in attendance. This would make it the single largest gathering in the history of Washington, DC.

Bet you didn't hear that on the MSM.

One thing that also stood out to people how was how clean it was. Here is a picture from after Obama's inauguration (you can find other pictures by google-imaging "the mall after Obama's inauguration"):

Here is the same place, but after OUR demonstration:
My report of the March on Washington
Yesterday I was privileged enough to take part in the making of history, as two million and more American taxpayers marched on Washington to let our voices be heard.

On the way home, my aunt and I stopped to talk to a police officer chilling on the outskirts of the protest. We asked how our protest had compared to others he'd seen in the past.

First, he told us, the police had been grossly underprepared for the magnitude of people who showed up. They had been told to prepare for around 2,000 people--not 2,000,000. Whoopsie.

But he said that the most amazing thing to him was the number of arrests: not a single person was arrested. He said he had never seen a protest so huge and so peaceful all at the same time.

The protest continued to amaze those at Vodkapundit, who reported that a police officer said, “I’ve been here 20 years and this is the largest crowd I’ve ever seen.”

Here is a link to calculations done based on people per square meter. Apparently, official calculations show at least 1.8 million people in attendance. This would make it the single largest gathering in the history of Washington, DC.

Bet you didn't hear that on the MSM.

One thing that also stood out to people how was how clean it was. Here is a picture from after Obama's inauguration (you can find other pictures by google-imaging "the mall after Obama's inauguration"):

Here is the same place, but after OUR demonstration:

As constitutionallyspeaking pointed out, these pictures ought to say a thousand words.

I know that in my own personal experience, I saw not one piece of litter on the ground whatsoever. I made a point to look, because at one point my husband accidentally dropped a wrapper of something, and when we both bent to pick it up, I decided that since I was already down, I might as well pick up whatever else was there--and there was nothing there. Or anywhere I could see.

Campaign for Liberty made the same observation, as did nicedeb and as did Gateway, my ultimate hero.

So, as an environmentally conscious kind of person, I was pleased at how it went.

I was fortunate enough to snatch up some "Don't Tread on Me" bumper stickers and a flag, which was amazing because everything for sale was going like hotcakes. I honestly searched for that dumb flag for hours--and all the nice yellow ones were gone so I had to settle for white. But it was still worth the search!

Everyone we met was courteous. We got to be friends with one lady who'd come up from Georgia; she stayed with us. Carl and I ran into our old mutual friend Marissa, which was beyond exciting. And I made a point to go talk to people who claimed to be doctors--unlike certain other totally fake doctors I've heard about, they were all 100% authentic. They had actual proof and it was a beautiful thing to see. Hooray honest people showing up to rallies.

And actually, even though we were there for hours and constantly running into zillions of people, I only heard one (1) curse word. I think this is amazing because i've never passed a leftist rally without my ears being assaulted. The particular guy who was cursing wasn't doing at anybody, either--I think it was just part of his vocabulary. Which, given the look of him, wouldn't surprise me. But overall, every person we interacted with was beyond polite.

This was really a rally to remember. I know I will. There is nothing more amazing than standing shoulder to shoulder with two million other like-minded people from across the Union, united in the goal of returning power to the people.

I hope you all decide to show up next time.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Patriotism to Remember

This picture was taken by a fellow facebooker who happened to be driving behind the guy this morning. Thought everyone would enjoy it just as much as I did and the photographer gave permission to share it to all. Unfortunately, it was raining, but I salute his patriotism just as well.


will you? I am not looking forward to the day when 9/11 comes and no one cares or things about it or remembers the pain that was felt that day. Because it will be yet another sign that America is forgetting who it is, what its about, and why we sometimes have to fight for out freedom.

I want to share this video my church released:

I for one do find some peace and comfort knowing that there is a God that loves and cares about us. So while we are remembering 9/11 and the changes and pain it brought, lets also remember to allow ourselves to find that source of peace and comfort in our lives. Because while there is much pain, sorrow, and anguish in this world, there is also much joy, happiness and love.