Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Roman Polanski

Many in Hollywood are stepping out in support of Roman Polanski. This boggles my mind. I am not sure when the film industry decided it has the right to decide who is or is not guilty. If a man admits he had sex with an underage girl, and fled the country, obviously he should be brought to justice on some level. The case does not close when you flee or when Hollywood decides it can't loose one of its directors. The quote from Whoopi Goldberg is my favorite,
I know it wasn't rape-rape. I think it was something else, but I don't believe it was rape-rape. He pled guilty to having sex with a minor and he went to jail, and when they let him out he said 'You know what, this guy's going to give me 100 years in jail. I'm not staying'. And that's why he left.
Need I say more about the illogical thinking of Hollywood. Would this act be okay if it was anybody else raped, or if it was any other person being accused? Probably not. But who really knows, if as she says, rape-rape is different than rape.

But this is exactly why our country is lacking in moral decency. We watch, drool over, and yearn for more of Hollywood. And they know that and try to take advantage of it by doing their best to persuade us that their views, their beliefs, their morality (or lack thereof) is the one and only way. That if we do not believe the way they do, we are evil, racist, or hateful. The same people who pretend to be for woman rights, or the rights of the poor, obviously have no sympathy for the rights of a young girl or the rights of a victim who was taken advantage of. They apparently believe a little too much in the phrase "time heals all wounds" or mistakes.

I agree with Joan Smith
Now the past has caught up with him, and Polanski is facing extradition and the prison sentence he deserves. His supporters urgently need to locate their moral compass and stop making excuses for an unrepentant sex attacker.

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