Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Great Britian is Filled with Great Problems

Great Britain seems to be having problems lately. For the first time since 1965, the lower house speaker was ousted thanks to an expense scandal and an angry public. Its nice to see that some people have sense over in Great Britain concerning politics.

Home Secretary Jacqui Smith has banned Michael Savage from Britain. For some, this may seem like such a miniscule issue. Michael does not often travel to Great Britain so who cares if hes banned plus many people feel that he can get too extreme at times. I don't even often listen to him. BUT WAKE UP! It is a problem, whether you like the guy or not.

Straight up, Great Britain banned an American for his opinions. There is no evidence he has caused violence, that he is a terrorist, or a criminal, and hes banned. He was banned for no other reason than that someone disagreed with him. The UK does not have the same government structure as the United States of America, nor the same laws, but I would never suspect that they would stoop to something this low. They do not have the same level of freedom of speech as America does but they do not have a record either of banning people from the UK simply because they voiced an opinion.

Did you see the list of people that are allowed to stay in the UK? Obviously she isn't concerned about any danger her country may be in. Jacqui says "Coming to this country is a privilege. If you can't live by the rules that we live by, the standards and the values that we live by, we should exclude you." But she allows Dr Philip Nitschke in the country who clearly does not believe in specific laws that Great Britain uphold. I hope he remembers assisted suicide is illegal in the UK. I guess she meant that those who can't keep their mouths shut and have strong opinions can't be allowed in the country but if you kill someone, no problem, come on in.

A lot of people have been bringing up the issue of the first amendment in America. Some people don't get this as the UK does not follow our constitution so let me tell you what I think. America has stood as a beacon for freedom for a long time nor does it have a recent record of endorsing murder, violence, etc. If we did, we would probably be hearing about it from other countries as we are now about the abuse scandal. We definitely don't get slack for the level of freedom of speech in America. Savage lives in America and thus has the legal right to voice his opinions. Why ban a man for legally voicing his opinions in his own country unless there is evidence that he would break laws or cause harm to others in the UK if he traveled there? Even if you judged it by international laws and UN standards he is a-okay. And once again, whose worse to have in your country, Savage or a terrorist?

So what does this issue show and why is it so important? Great Britain is loosing its greatness and its citizens know it. They are becoming intolerant in the name of tolerance (sound familiar) and are allowing their government to be run by incompetent people. I wish I could find audio of the parliamentary debates I heard. It was clear that the right leaning parliament members knew what was happening in their country and knew that they had to stand up for Savage. I also had a British roommate, who though liberal, knew the her country was going down a dangerous path. Her concerns where a bit like this lady's concerns, though my roommates were voiced a few year later. The UK is becoming too politically correct, trying to open up to all the immigrants, trying to not offend anyone, but really just giving their country away. And now they are trying to keep out any that might offend those people.

My real concern is that America is for once not leading the UK but instead following it down this path. You may not care about Great Britain (unless you are from there of course) but you should care about the United States of America and you should care that we are going down that dangerous path too.

But there is good news, as this guy who clearly hates Savage has pointed out. How many people now watch Michael Savage because of all the attention he has been receiving, who otherwise would not have been knowledgeable of his existence? His views are finally touching many overseas. Maybe he should be thanking Jacqui for all the attention he has been receiving.

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