Thursday, March 17, 2011

Chairman Moobama

Obama's China admission reveals unfitness -

The link above leads to an interesting article on the NYPOST. My favorite part of the article states:
As shocking as the China lament is, it's not surprising. The desire to sidestep messy reality is the thread that runs through his presidency, starting with the campaign.
As the economy melted down in the fall of 2008 and in the days after he took office, he never changed goals. He promised a health-care takeover, "investments" in education, and a commitment to weaning America off oil and coal.
Come recession and war, he has done his utmost to deliver all three. He has broken the bank and damaged the jobs machine to get them.
Under different circumstances, that dogged persistence might be a virtue. But the problems are getting worse, not better, and yet he won't adapt. His stubborn refusal to face squarely the nation's concerns has created a vacuum at home similar to the one abroad.

Our President is stuck in his ways, and obviously has no desire to learn how to do his job (or overcome the oh so obvious lack of skill that voters refused to see). Instead he spends his time playing basketball, coaching basketball, commenting on basketball, and taking vacation. Does he even remember that he is the President? Better yet, does he even care?

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