Friday, May 29, 2009

I read this article yesterday and found it interesting. I am glad that someone has decided that men need to stand up for themselves. Women should be equal but I feel that lately we have begun to forget he needs of men and ignored it when they have started falling behind in society. But what I can't believe is that there is so much attention to the formation of this group and that many of those that are wondering whats the use of this group are from feminist groups such as Feminist Majority. Will some women ever feel like they have received enough from society or will there always be this battle between men and women? I hate reverse discrimination but I will not go off on it today.

Why is it that we are hearing more and stories like this one? Is it because there are more incidences now or because they are finally being noticed by the media, even if it is just fox news that reported this one? It saddens me when people get punished for being patriotic but if you burn the flag or do any other form of anti US protesting, there is no punishment.

Not much to say about this article. Just typical freedom of speech related to second amendment rights trampling.

What rights do we have left in this country anymore? Is it even okay to believe in God anymore?

1 comment:

  1. Its easier to list the things that we can no longer do. Those come more quickly to mind.

    I recently read and article that described a couple in San Diego who had bible studies in their home and were told by the local government that if the continued to hold the meetings in their home they would be fined because it was a misuse of property.

    You are not allowed to fail anymore. I know that doesn't sound like a right but it is one. There is a diffrence between being a failure and a loser. Thomas Edison was a failure. Over 10000 times he tried for the light bulb. He got it right once. 10000 failures to one success that makes you a failure. But because you are a failure that doesn't make you a loser because losers just give up when they fail. Failing in life is important sometimes, but it seems the government wants to take away from us the consequences of bad choices that caused us to fail.

    The right of a baby to make its own choice on if it wants to live was taken away many years ago.

    On the list of rights I do have,

    I can worship however I like within reason,

    I can say or write whatever I want within reason

    I can bear some arms but not all

    I have the right to a trial by jury unless I am considered a terrorist

    I can not be discrimnated against unless I happen to be a white male and the other person belongs to a special class that someone, not me, unjustly persecuted many years ago.

    Well, I've rambled on enough for now. I hope you don't mind me commenting on your blog. I just like it when people comment on mine so I figured I should repay the favor to others :D
