Friday, January 30, 2009


Sorry if my title is offensive. But I am so annoyed at how much black people love Obama because hes black when honestly hes only part black. But that's a subject for another time. Right now its time to congratulate Michael Steele for winning the chairmanship. It was a long day for him but well worth it I am sure. For those who don't know who Michael Steele is let me give you a short bio.

He is an African American politician and lawyer. From 2003 to 2007 he served as Lieutenant Governor of Maryland. Steel was the first African American to serve Maryland state wide office and the first Republican liutenant governor in the state (obviously a big deal in a Democratic stronghold). In 2006 he ran for the Maryland Senate Seat but lost to Democratic Congressman Ben Cardin. I was flown out from Utah to campaign for him in that election. I have never made so many phone calls in my life. That was the sad year that the Republicans lost seat after seat but we helped him put up a good fight.

Going back many years, Chairman Steele was adopted into a stongly Democratic household but thanks to his mother who refused to ever go on welfare and thanks to Reagan he joined the Republican Party. He was in NHS (like me) in high school and was involved in many high school productions (I did a few myself). He majored in international relations at John Hopkins and went on to receive his law degree at Georgetown. He and his family are active Catholics.

But back to his politics. He agrees that we need to work to secure Iraq so that we can start pulling troops out but that we also should stay there as long as necessary. He wants to repeal the death tax and make tax relief permanent. He is okay with stem cell research as long as it does not destroy the embryo as medical research should be about saving lifes, not destroying them. Or better yet "The key thing to keep in here is that science moves us in a certain direction, and it pushes the envelope, as it should. But as a society, we also must, must consider the, the, the religious, the moral, and the ethical values of that society, and that needs to be a part of this as well" (2006 Meet the Press Michael Steele. He does not believe in total privatized health care. He is a believer in finding alternative energy sources because we can continue to depend on foreign sources for our energy. But he did ask Bush for an immediate moratorium on the federal gas tax and he is the one that started the phrase "drill baby drill" that was commonly used in the 2008 presidential elections (one of my favorite chants).

Michael Steele is not perfect but I know he is a good person, a smart man, and a excellent politician. And yes I have met the man. There are a few politicians that I hold in high regards that I have campaigned for and he is one of those. Though I am sure the other RNC nominations were good men and politicians I know Michael Steele will make an excelent Charmain and is exactly what the RNC needs rights now.

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