Thursday, January 15, 2009

An old blog titled "Political Fashing for dummies"

Another good article from CNN today. Click here to check out article.

I have never understood and often become fustrated that people feel the need to wear t-shirts that glorify horrific leaders that certain countries have had to deal with. To some Che Guevara may represent freedom but his revolutions always failed and in place, he killed hundreds of people. Why not just wear a shirt that glorifies Hitler? To some group of people, Che Guevara would both respresent the same thing.

Now I will not deny that there are some lost Conservatives out there that wear this shirt, but I do believe a large portion of those people that feel cool in this type of clothing, who are glorifying these "freedom fighters" or for better terms "mass murder" and "evil dictators" are the same people who feel that they have to pronounce peace and speak out against the Iraq War. Sinse when did dictators and murders become heroes in place of those really fighting for freedom?

Perhaps there are some people that need to rethink who their heroes are and what they are really representing. Because trust me, if your wearing a Che Guevara tshirt, im just going to laugh at you when your protesting war and declaring peace.

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