Thursday, April 16, 2009


I am so happy for those who put so much time and effort into the Tea Parties as I hear they were a great success. I wish I had gone and declare now that I will try my best to go to any future protests. How great is it that thousands of people put aside whatever they needed to do and joined together to show their support for America and Freedom and their disgusts at the wasteful spending that has been going on for years and is only getting worse. How great is it that we have the freedom to do this in America. I pray that we will continue to be able to have that freedom and that our children will not be in debt for the rest of their lives because of this wasteful spending. And boo high taxes.

Now I want to talk about another important thing: Glen Beck's We Surround Them. His website has more information on it. The basis of this project that he recently unveiled is that He and others are getting concerned with the direction Both Parties and America are going in. The point is to show us that we are not alone, in our concerns and in our love for America. It is to ask what has happened to the country that stands up for the little man? The Forgotten Man? People are finally waking up wondering what has happened to us and are saying that its time to enforce the law.

He states that we have 3 choices. We can become the Americans of September 10th with our heads in the sand, the Americans of September 11th, unprepared and in despair, or we can choose to renew our promises of September 12. Remember September 12, when America came together and promised ourselves that we would never forget. We promised that we could focus on the things that are important like our family and our friends. It is up to us to find a solutions. Do not leave it up to the politicians because though they may say they are part of the solution, they are actually the problem. We need to start giving our support to politicians when they practice the values and principles that we believe in. There are 12 values and 9 principles.

The 12 values are:

- honest
- reverence
- hope
- thrift
- humility
- charity
- sincerity
- moderation
- hard work
- courage
- personal responsibility
- gratitude

The 9 principles are :

- America is good.
- I believe in God and He is the Center of My life
- I must always try to be a more honest person than I was yesterday.
- The family is sacred. My Spouse and I are the ultimate authority, not the government.
- If you break the law you pay the penalty. Justice is blind and no one is above it.
- I have the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, but there is no guarantee of equal results.
- I work hard for what I have and I will share it with who I want to. Government cannot force me to be charitable.
- It is not un-American for me to disagree with authority or to share my personal opinion.
- The government works for me. I do not answer to them, they answer to me.

We can stay tuned to Glen Beck for more unveiling of what he is working on within the 9/12 project and for more discussion on these principles and values.

How great are these principles and values that we can live by. Why are Liberals already fighting this? Can we not agree that we all love freedom, want the best for our families and want to run our families as we feel is right? I believe in honesty, hard work, life, liberty, and I know that America is good. I know that America is destined to be a great Nation. The God chose it to be a great nation and its time we stand up and allow it to be. So what can we do? Glen Beck says talk to your neighbors, get together with your friends, read books that talk about these principles and values (for a list of books to read you can check our his website). I say to continue to protest, continue to be loud and express yourself. Join local political groups and seek change. Talk and talk and talk. Never stop. Stand up for what you feel is right and continue to work for that, even in the face of adversity. And most importantly and oft forgotten, serve your country. We believe that we need to take care of ourselves and each other and not leave it up to the government, so live your life like that. Serve your fellow man. Give of your time, your talents, and your funds. Looks for ways you can make a difference in the lives of our servicemen, a young kid, a mother, an elder. Anyone and Everyone. Love like there is no tomorrow. Never take for granted what you have, especially when it comes to freedom. We are a lucky people, we live in a great nation. Don't forget it.


  1. Liz! I love you so much! Thank you for caring. I cannot tell you how much I miss you! Oh for the day when we will live close enough to each other to get together and talk politics once more in person.

    PS, I think we're moving out to DC area sometime later this year (!).

  2. GREAT post!
    I too wonder why the liberals fight so hard against this growing awakening movement...but the truth is that they seem to dislike the successful individual. It doesn't make sense that but is the conclusion I've come to.

    I'm so recharged after attending a Tea Party here and highly encourage you to attend whatever comes up next. You will NOT be disappointed.

    More importantly we need to keep blogging. Keep talking. Keep educating and researching. We have to reach as many Americans as possible! I'm following your blog now - keep up the good work!
