Friday, April 24, 2009

UN = Uninformed Nicompoops

Well if Obama does not divide the nation the UN will. Now the President is obligated to prosecute Bush administrative lawyers. Lets not forget though that this is the same association that allowed Iran's President Ahmadinejad to speak. Did they forget about all the evidence of abuses in Iran. Maybe they should read this again.

My original plan was to write a whole posting about torture and the UN but because the UN posting is taking me a while I've decided to just post about Torture for today so that you can see the article above. The UN posting will come soon enough. I know I already did a posting just a few days ago about torture, but this has a bit more information.

I have a hard time dealing with abuses against humans. The sex trade is not only saddening but disgustingly immoral. Massacres are horrific. Torture, in almost every case, not okay. But when one thinks about torture what do they think about? Probably broken bones, lots of blood, or perhaps whipping. There are plenty of methods. My point is that we think of methods that cause pain and extreme discomfort, perhaps even death or disfigurement. Out of all the methods that the US has used, I would say waterboarding may be the one form of "torture" to be worried about. The one that would cause the most discomfort and pain. This memo explains the Office of Legal Councils stance they took on the torture that was occurring and I think its worth reading. It is one of the memos that has been making a big uproar but I bet most people have not even read it. Though it has defined torture narrowly, I think it makes many legit points. If used carefully and for short periods of time and not done often, waterboarding would be considered the lesser evil of torture methods. People have their differences of opinion on whether waterboarding is torture. I believe, unless used carefully, and in a certain fashion (some forms of waterboarding are not pretty), it is a form of torture. But I do not believe that some of the other methods used, such as holding their head still, or slapping them once or twice, can be considered torture. If so, we should probably look at our jail systems in America because I am sure there are worse things going on in them every day.

Now with that out of the way, is this "torture" used by the US okay? As I said, I am not a fan of torturing people usually. But times have changed also. We are fighting a new type of enemy. One with no boundaries and one with new methods of fighting (computer warfare anyone? sounds kind of fun to me). Torture may be our only chance in saving the lives of thousands of people. It may be our only way to get any information out of terrorists that believe they are fighting for a great cause which they will be greatly honored for. Do I think we should use methods that in most cases cause pain, mental problems, extreme discomfort? No, I do not.

Using torture is definitely walking a fine line. But the benefits of using it has outweighed the negatives. One terrorist in discomfort and perhaps a bit of pain vs thousands of deaths. Not a hard choice. And its not like we asked for those terrorist to try and destroy our country.

Obama, if you feel its bad and immoral of us, then put a stop to it. If we get hit, it will be on your head but at least you did what you felt was right. Just don't prosecute those who were simply trying to help save American lives. And don't try to take the higher moral ground by releasing important documents. Its not working. Oh and if we do get it, don't even try to blame it on Bush. I know your already thinking of trying that.

Anyways here are a few last thoughts to end Friday on (TGIF right?). If there's so much room left open to debate about whether something is torture or not, its probably not worth prosecuting over. Just saying...And we all know that the UN would never do anything to the US if we don't prosecute Bush's people. They are an association of threats and no action. Just look at the UN's history. Obama probably hasn't so can someone please point that out to him. Plus with all the money we pay to the UN why don't we own that sucker yet?

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